"Often I have the sensation of waking up, deep in the middle of the woods. Miles of hills, winding trails, and suddenly, wonder—the laced shadow of a cobweb on a tree, so precise I hold my breath, a tiny green caterpillar making its way across a wide and sturdy leaf, a whisper of November frost so fine I pray the world be always this quiet."
-excerpt from "Somewhere in Between"

"Ladies, Ladies, Ladies," Stanchion, Forthcoming February 2025. ​
*Signed copies available for purchase directly from me. Additional copies available through Stanchion, Barnes & Noble, and more!
Prose (Fiction & NonFiction):
"Benediction," The Church of Milk and Honey: A Year of Collective Wisdom, February 2024.
"Miss Lonelyheart Herself," Stanchion, October 2023.
"A Fine Girl," Stanchion, August 2022.
Nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Stanchion.
"Two Truths and a Lie," Mason Jar Press, August 2022.
"Dead Ringer," Mason Jar Press, August 2022.
"Each Casual Violence," Cobra Milk, July 2022.
Nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Cobra Milk.
"SorryLoveYou," Emerge Literary Journal, July 2021.
"Her Kingdom Come," The Citron Review, June 2021.
Selected for the"Best Microfiction 2022" Anthology by Tania Hershman
"Tolstoy at the Ballgame," Sledgehammer Lit, May 2021.
"The Last Friendly’s in Cattaraugus County," Tiny Molecules, March 2021.
"Rutting Season," Twin Pies Literary, December 2020.
"Somewhere in Between," Santa Fe Writers Project, August 2020. ​​
"Hard Stare," mac(ro)mic, July 2020.
"Icicles," mac(ro)mic, July 2020.
"May 15, 2009," Past-Ten, May 2019.
"For Women, the Sin of Indulgence Is the Worst Sin Imaginable," Electric Lit, September 2018.
"A Single Woman By Any Other Name," Vegas Seven Magazine, April 2015.
"Exploring the Allure of Classic Literary Heroines," Vegas Seven Magazine, March 2015. ​
"eve," The Church of Milk and Honey: A Year of Collective Wisdom, February 2024.
"i keep a list in my phone of all the things i wish i could tell you, like," HAD, April 2023.
"Like/As," Rejection Letters, April 2021.
Selected as a "DC Pride Poem 2022"
"You Will Not Always Hear Cicada and Birdsong," The Inner Loop, September 2020.
Selected as a "DC Pride Poem 2023"
"Dégagé: A Self Portrait in Three Parts," Lines + Stars, August 2020.
"July," District Lit, May 2019.
"Equinox," SWWIM, August 2018
"For Wendy Darling," Lipstick Party Magazine, September 2016
"Seashell," Poetry Breakfast, July 2016
Nominated for the 2017 "Best of the Web" by Poetry Breakfast
"Red Dress," Cactus Heart Press, December 2013.
Fellowships, Residencies, and Awards:
DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities (2018-2025)
Washington, DC
Project, Events and Festivals Grantee (2024-2025)
Arts and Humanities Fellow (2023-2024)
Create and Thrive Teaching Artist Fellow (2022-2023)
Arts and Humanities Fellow (2022-2023)
Arts and Humanities Fellow (2021-2022)
Arts and Humanities Fellow (2020-2021)
Project, Events and Festivals Grantee (2019-2020)
Arts and Humanities Fellow (2019-2020)
Arts and Humanities Fellow (2018-2019)
Jenny McKean Moore Nonfiction Workshop Fellow (2025)
George Washington University
Washington, DC
Artist in Residence (2024)
The Sable Project
Stockbridge, VT
Writer in Residence (2023)
Chulitna Lodge
Lake Clark, AK
Finalist—Emerging Writers Fellowship (2023)
Smokelong Quarterly
Nancy Ludmerer Flash Fiction Fellow (2022)
Porches Writing Retreat
Norwood, VA
Humanities Scholar (2021)
Many Languages One Voice
Washington, DC
Writer in Residence (2020)
Woodlawn Estate and Pope-Leighey House
Alexandria, VA
Finalist—Nonfiction Fellow for Emerging Writers (2020)
Lighthouse Writers Workshop
Denver, CO
Writer in Residence (2019-2020)
Washington, DC
Jenny McKean Moore Poetry Workshop Fellow (2025)
George Washington University
Washington, DC
Poetry Fellow (2018-2019)
The 5th Woman
Knoxville, TN
Writer in Residence (2018)
Sundress Academy for the Arts
Knoxville, TN
Media Features and Other:
"Artist Spotlight," BoldJourney, Forthcoming 2025.
"Teaching Artist Interview," Old Town Books, 2023.
"Stanchion Spotlight," Stanchion, 2022.
“MoonLit DC Offers Diverse Subjects to Get You Hooked on Writing,” District Fray, 2020.
"Creatively Connecting Community," Cobblestone Creative, January 2020.
“Exploring DC’s LGTBQ Literary Community,” Washington City Paper, 2020.
“Ladies of Lit,” The Inner Loop Podcast, 2020.
“Read Local,” DC Trending, 2019.
Interview with Old Town Books, 2019.
Interview with Fear No Lit, 2018.
Interview with E. Ethelbert Miller, 2018.
For more information, please visit my CV here.